I use a flat rectangular tray, laying the roll on diagonal (45 cm)

While looking for recipes for some more interesting bakery, I came across an idea from Spanish cuisine. I developed it in my own way. The roll that I bring to your attention is very tasty, satiating, and salty. Suitable for breakfast; you can serve it as an entree or bread to a main course.

Products you need for the dough:

4 cups of flour (sifted)

500 g yoghurt (Greek style)

1 teaspoon of baking soda

a pinch of salt

2 eggs

2 teaspoons of savory salt

Products you need for the filling:

100 g of Jamón serrano, on transparently thin strips

125 g goat cheese (thin small pieces)

2-3 tbsp. of olive oil (for spreading over the sheet)


In the yogurt, I add the baking soda. Stir to activate.

In a wide bowl, knead the dough from all the products (including the mixture of milk and baking soda).

On a floured surface, I shape a rectangular sheet (using rolling pin) with 1 cm thickness.

I grease the dough with olive oil, arrange the pieces of ham on it, and put the cheese on top of them (see the picture).

Roll a tight roll so that the outer edge remains below. Slightly bend (close) the edges (to have a better look and not let the filling goes out).

Place it in a tray on greased baking paper.

With a sharp knife, I make a few diagonal, shallow cuts (for visual effect).

Bake in preheated oven at 200ᴼC. 10-15 minutes after the beginning, I lower the temperature to 170-180ᴼC.

Wait for it to cool down and then cut into 2 cm thick pieces.


Check it during baking. Approximately, 30 minutes are needed, but depends on the container, the oven and the roll size. Mine always gets thicker and I bake it longer. Check with a wooden skewer.