6 servings
Here I suggest a vegan version, yet if you want, you can replace the vegetable oil and coconut cream with dairy products. Dill in abundance is highly recommended. You can use a mix of different mushrooms for an even richer taste.
750 g raw mushrooms of choice (sliced, without the stalks)
1 carrot, cut into small cubes
1 onion, finely chopped
20 g dried mushrooms, soaked in warm water to soften
1 tbsp salt
1 teaspoon pepper
juice from 1 lemon
1 handful of thin vermicelli (can be replaced with rice, bulgur or quinoa)
dill to taste, chopped
sunflower oil to taste (for frying)
6 tbsps. coconut cream (optional)
Fry well the onion and the carrot (in a saucepan). Add the raw mushrooms. Fry them briefly.
Add warm water to cover the contents and a little above (I do not overdo the quantity, because later I will add the water from the dried mushrooms). Add salt and pepper. Boil for about 30 minutes on low temperature (depends on how brittle the mushrooms are).
Add the chopped dried mushrooms, together with the water in which they were soaked; (in this case, I put a 1/2 cup of quinoa instead of vermicelli). Boil another 10 minutes. If you use rice, it may take longer to get ready.
Take off the hob. Add dill and lemon juice.
Optionally, it can be garnished with coconut cream (1 tbsp/serving).
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